
This year's Dresden Steel Construction Conference will cover a mix of topics focussing on building and bridge construction, the new Eurocodes, steel construction and historical bridge bearings.
Backgrounds and developments in European standardisation will be explained. As in previous years, recognised speakers will give presentations on the respective specialist topics and make their manuscripts available in the conference proceedings.
The conference is aimed at planning offices, construction companies, engineers and designers as well as all those who wish to familiarise themselves with the content and practical aspects of European standards and technical developments in the design and execution of steel and composite structures.
Further information and the programme can be found here.
The 13th Darmstadt Roll Forming Conference (DAPRO 2025) is an important meeting place for professionals from the roll forming technology industry. The event offers a comprehensive overview of the latest industry trends, technological innovations and research developments. It will be jointly organised by the Institute for Manufacturing Research (IfF) and the Institute for Production Engineering and Forming Machines (PtU) at the Technical University of Darmstadt on 26 and 27 March 2025.
You can find further information at:
As part of the IGF Congress, the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action will present a special award for outstanding research projects in the IGF. Three nominated projects will be presented in the form of videos at the congress. The audience will then decide on the best project on site. The winners will receive professional public relations support, including an exclusive short video and valuable press relations measures.
Der gemeinsam von FOSTA und DVS-Forschung durchgeführte Innovationstag 2025 stellt in diesem Jahr das Schweißen von Feinblechen in den Fokus der Betrachtungen. In den letzten Jahren haben sich beim Schweißen von Feinblechen zahlreiche Innovationen entwickelt, die die Effizienz und Qualität erheblich verbessert haben. Der Innovationstag 2025 informiert daher über aktuelle anwendungsbezogene Forschungsergebnisse zu schweißtechnischen Prozessentwicklungen und zur Qualitätssicherung und -steigerung.
Der INNOVATIONSTAG richtet sich an alle Anwender aus der Komponentenfertigung im Maschinenbau, der Automobilindustrie, dem Schienenfahrzeugbau und vielen weiteren Industriebereichen sowie Geräte- und Systemanbieter aus der Schweiß- und Prüftechnik.
STAHL-ZENTRUM - Sohnstraße 65 - 40237 Düsseldorf
Forschungsvereinigung Schweißen und verwandte Verfahren e. V. des DVS
Dipl.-Ing. Jens Jerzembeck +49 211 1591-173
FOSTA - Forschungsvereinigung Stahlanwendung e.V.
Rainer Salomon +49 211 30 29 76 06
DVS Media GmbH
Sabrina Tank. +49 211 1591-141 oder
On 22 May 2025, the VDEh Steel Institute will be holding a new industry and member meeting, the new VDEh Steel Day, at Henrichshütte Hattingen. It will build on tried-and-tested traditions such as the members' meeting, lecture programme and evening StahlTreff - but will also have something new in store.
You can find further information at:
SCT 2025 – the international networking conference on steels in cars and trucks will take place in June 2025!
With the “Software Defined Vehicle”, the strategic focus in vehicle development is increasingly shifting from hardware to software. Nevertheless, the body, chassis and drive train remain key assemblies in which steel is used due to its optimum property profile. However, increasing demands on safety, performance, weight, costs and, more than ever, sustainability pose enormous challenges for OEMs and suppliers.
With around 400 participants and 150 specialist presentations, SCT 2025 is the most important international conference on new steels, processing technologies and system solutions in automotive and commercial vehicle construction. The conference brings together the automotive, supplier and steel industries, underlining the importance of partnerships along the entire value chain to meet the challenges and drive the technological transformation forward together.